How this sited created?

Note: Don’t forget to replace all the following ‘username’ with your username

Create a github project name ‘’

Prepare jekyll and bundler

$ gem install jekyll bundler

Checkout the project ‘’ you just created from github

$ git checkout https://github/username/

Create boilerplate from jekyll

$ cd
$ jekyll new . --force
# modify 'Gemfile' to use github pages
$ bundle install

Copy the remanning resources from minimal theme

$ bundle show minima
# you will see an absolute path of your minima theme's location
$ cp -rf /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/minima-2.0.0/{assets,_includes,_layout,_sass} .

Then add following code to the top of your markdown file.

layout: post
title:  "How this site created?"
date:   2016-09-27 08:35:17 +0800
categories: jekyll update

If you are working in bash, you can use $ date "+%F %T %z" to generate date description.

Do testing in your local machine

$ bundle exec jekyll serve

Commit and push all your site content to origin

$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'just created github pages blog'
$ git push



  1. Jekyll quick start guide
  2. Github pages